Five Essential Steps to Maintain Your Pool’s Finish

For many homeowners, the decision to install a fiberglass pool is influenced by the widely recognized benefit of reduced maintenance. The non-porous surface of a fiberglass pool significantly lessens the likelihood of algae growth and reduces the demand for chemicals to maintain water balance. This inherent characteristic of fiberglass pools contributes to their appeal, offering homeowners more time to enjoy their aquatic sanctuary with less laborious upkeep. However, it’s crucial to understand that “lower maintenance” does not equate to “maintenance-free.” For fiberglass pool owners, maintaining your pool’s vibrant, smooth finish is just as important as keeping the water clear and inviting. While the allure of crystal-clear water is undeniable, the unseen balance of water chemistry plays the most crucial role in preserving the integrity and appearance of your pool. This post explores five essential steps to maintain your pool’s finish, including tips on proper pool water chemistry


Achieve Optimal Water Balance with LSI

The Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) is your best friend when understanding water balance. Achieving an optimal LSI is crucial for preventing damage to the gelcoat of your fiberglass pool. An imbalanced LSI can lead to scaling or etching, both of which can mar your pool’s finish.

Thankfully, you don’t need to be a chemist to manage water chemistry. Tools like the Orenda LSI Calculator simplify the process, helping you to find and maintain the right balance easily. For further guidance, refer to water balance cheat sheets, instructional videos, and other resources available through trusted pool maintenance platforms.

Maintain Recommended Chlorine Levels

Chlorine protects your pool’s health, freeing it from harmful bacteria and algae. However, the relationship between chlorine and fiberglass pools must be carefully managed. Maintaining free chlorine levels between 1 and 3 parts per million (ppm) is ideal. Beware of exceeding 5 ppm especially when your pool water is not properly balanced, as high chlorine levels can cause irreversible damage to your pool’s surface, leading to discoloration and degradation of the gelcoat. Maintaining optimal LSI levels makes your chlorine more efficient and less harsh on the pool surface and equipment.

Avoid Calcium Hypochlorite

While calcium hypochlorite is favored in various pool contexts for shock treatments, it poses risks for fiberglass pools due to its propensity to elevate pH levels and deliver a high dose of free chlorine. Such characteristics can lead to lasting damage to the pool’s surface. Liquid chlorine emerges as a preferable alternative, offering a safer means to manage pool hygiene without the associated risks of calcium hypochlorite. Nevertheless, vigilance is required to prevent the adverse effects of excessive chlorine, ensuring the pool’s surface remains pristine.

Don’t Assume Your Pool Pros Know It All

The pool maintenance industry is constantly evolving, with new products and refined best practices emerging regularly. As a pool owner, staying informed about these developments is beneficial to ensure your pool receives the best care possible.

Engage with your pool maintenance professionals and inquire whether they use the LSI for water balancing. Your proactive approach can make a significant difference in maintaining the pristine condition of your pool.

Remember, Clear Water Isn’t a Guarantee of Proper Balance

While clear water may symbolize cleanliness and balance, it does not necessarily reflect the underlying chemical equilibrium essential for pool health. Undetected imbalances can precipitate issues like staining, fading, or etching, which may only become apparent once they have inflicted considerable damage. Consequently, regular and thorough testing, guided by LSI metrics, is crucial. This disciplined approach extends beyond aesthetic considerations, forming the cornerstone of proactive pool maintenance that ensures both the preservation of the pool’s finish and the safety of its users.


Comprehensive Maintenance: A Holistic Approach

Maintaining the finish of your fiberglass pool involves a delicate balance of chemistry and care. By following these five essential steps, you won’t just preserve the look and feel of your pool—you’ll extend its lifespan and enhance the enjoyment it brings to your life.

It’s critical to remember that pool maintenance is an ongoing process. Achieving the optimal water balance today doesn’t mean it will remain that way for the entire swim season. Regular testing and adjustments to your pool’s chemistry will keep your pool in top condition. Embrace the journey of pool ownership equipped with knowledge and confidence, knowing that each step you take protects your cherished aquatic retreat.