Thursday Pools has recently implemented the use of 100% Owens Corning® OVC™ Reinforcements – Advantex® Fiberglass in their pool manufacturing. This is a major improvement in quality and environmental stewardship says Bill Khamis.
Advantex® is both an E-Glass and a Boron Free Corrosion-Resistant E-CR Glass. It provides:
Thursday Pools implemented the new Corrosion Resistant fiberglass, which adds another layer of protection against osmotic blisters. In addition to using Vinyl Ester Barrier Coat, Thursday Pools uses Advantex® Boron Free E-CR Glass instead of the industry standard E Glass. It may cost more but we know the advantages outweigh the additional cost says Gene Foster. E-CR Glass is corrosion resistant and therefore is used in a variety of extreme applications such as environmental tanks with acid or caustic solutions