What Does Routine Fiberglass Pool Maintenance Look Like?

Owning a fiberglass pool brings with it the benefits of reduced upkeep demands and the guarantee of continuous enjoyment during the warmer months. Yet, it’s crucial to recognize that this ease of ownership is complemented by the need for consistent maintenance, particularly in maintaining balanced pool water chemistry, to ensure your pool remains a radiant and inviting space to spend time with your family and friends. This post examines what routine fiberglass pool maintenance entails and guides you through a plan to keep your pool in perfect harmony throughout the swimming season.


Starting the Season Right

Opening your fiberglass pool marks the commencement of the swimming season and sets the stage for a season of fun and relaxation. Once you open your pool, commit to conducting daily tests to adjust your pool’s chemistry until the water’s Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) value is balanced (-0.30 to +0.30). This crucial first step ensures your pool water is neither too corrosive nor scaling, protecting the integrity and appearance of the fiberglass gel coat.


Maintaining Chlorine Levels

Once the LSI is in balance, the next step is to add sanitizer to maintain chlorine levels within a safe range of 1 to 3 parts per million (ppm). This range is optimal for disinfecting the pool without damaging the fiberglass surface. Monitoring and adjusting chlorine levels is a fundamental aspect of routine maintenance that keeps the water clear, clean, and safe for swimmers.


Weekly Checks and Adjustments

Your pool’s water chemistry can quickly fluctuate even after establishing a balanced baseline due to various events such as changes in swimmer load, weather conditions, organic debris, water evaporation and more. Perform weekly tests to ensure ongoing water balance, checking the chlorine, pH, alkalinity, and other factors contributing to the LSI. These regular check-ins help catch and correct minor imbalances before they become bigger issues.


Water Level and Filtration Maintenance

Maintaining the pool’s water level is another vital aspect of routine care. The water level should always be halfway to the top of the skimmer window to ensure efficient filtration and circulation. Regularly check and clean the filter and skimmer baskets to prevent clogs and maintain proper function. Additionally, vacuuming your pool to remove debris and sediment keeps the water clearer and reduces the strain on your pool’s filtration system.


Gentle Cleaning for Long-Lasting Shine

The non-porous gelcoat surface of fiberglass pools is highly stain-resistant, making cleaning a breeze. A soft microfiber cloth, sponge, or pool brush with nylon bristles should suffice. Some household cleaners contain harsh chemicals unsuitable for fiberglass pool surfaces and may cause damage over time. Always use cleaners specifically designed for fiberglass pools as aggressive cleaning agents can damage the gelcoat, leading to unnecessary wear and repair costs. Metal scrapers or putty knives can gouge or scratch the fiberglass when used to remove debris or scale. Also avoid using highly abrasive tools such as wire and stiff bristle brushes or steel wool. 


The Value of Prevention

In pool maintenance, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Regular, proactive care keeps your pool looking and performing its best and extends the life of your investment. Fortunately, the inherent durability and ease of care associated with fiberglass pools mean that maintaining balanced water chemistry requires less effort than you might think. Test kits and tools such as the Orenda LSI calculator smartphone application can help by quickly providing direction on how to properly balance your pool water.


Understanding Low Maintenance Isn’t Maintenance-Free

While fiberglass pools are celebrated for their low maintenance needs, it’s important to remember that “less maintenance” doesn’t mean “maintenance-free.” The foundation of a healthy, long-lasting pool is balanced water chemistry, achieved through frequent and routine testing, precise adjustments, and regular cleaning. By embracing these responsibilities, you’ll ensure your pool remains a beautiful source of joy, relaxation, and pride.

Routine fiberglass pool maintenance, centered around balanced water chemistry, is the cornerstone of a healthy, beautiful pool. By beginning the season with thorough testing and adjustments, maintaining chlorine levels, weekly checks, keeping the pool clean, and proactively managing the water balance, you can enjoy a trouble-free swimming experience.