How to Protect Your Pool Water Balance During the Off-season


As the vibrant days of summer fade into the crisp air of autumn, fiberglass pool owners face the critical task of preparing their pools for the off-season. However, the period of dormancy does not equate to a halt in maintenance efforts. Instead, the off-season requires a strategic approach to ensure your pool water is neither corrosive nor scaling and ready to welcome the enjoyment of the next swimming season. This blog post delves into the essential steps for monitoring your pool’s water chemistry balance during the colder months, safeguarding against potential damages that winter can bring.


Water Chemistry and Balance Challenges in the Off-season

Fiberglass pools, celebrated for their durability and longevity, are not immune to all the challenges of changing seasons. The fiberglass pool structure is generally more resilient against winter conditions thanks to its flexibility which can better withstand the stress caused by freezing temperatures. However, harsh winter conditions can still threaten the water balance and the pool surface if the pool is not properly winterized. The risk of damage escalates during winter when colder water temperatures can render the water more aggressive. This aggressiveness primarily stems from the water’s chemistry balance shifting with temperature changes, potentially leading to issues that can compromise the integrity of your pool’s finish.


Seasonal Cleaning and Preparation

The first step in your off-season maintenance routine should be thoroughly cleaning your pool. End-of-season cleaning includes wiping down the waterline with a soft brush to eliminate any buildup of debris, sunscreen, body oils, and other contaminants that may have accumulated over the swimming season. Also, brush the walls and floor of the pool, paying extra attention to corners and steps where algae and bacteria might accumulate. Remove all leaves, debris, and dirt from the water using a skimmer and vacuum the pool thoroughly to eliminate any settled particles and algae. A clean pool is not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating a stable foundation for your off-season water balance efforts.


Balancing for the Cold

Achieving and maintaining the correct pH, calcium, and alkalinity levels is crucial for sustaining your pool’s LSI balance, especially considering the estimated coldest winter temperatures. For instance, average winter pool water temperatures in the Midwest can hover around 45 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s important to recognize that water balanced at a warm 80 degrees may become corrosive at significantly lower temperatures. This phenomenon underscores the importance of adjusting your pool’s water chemistry to accommodate the cooling temperatures, ensuring the water remains non-corrosive and protective of your pool’s fiberglass surface.


The Role of a Pool Cover

Investing in a high-quality pool cover offers multiple benefits throughout the year, with its importance magnified during the off-season. A pool cover acts as a barrier against debris, reduces water evaporation, and helps maintain the pool’s water chemistry balance by minimizing external influences. 

Especially important for households with children or pets, a properly secured winter pool cover can prevent accidental falls into the pool. Safety covers are designed to withstand a person’s weight, providing an extra layer of protection when the pool is not in use. More than a convenience, a pool cover provides peace of mind and ensures your pool remains clean, sealed, and safe throughout the winter.


Benefits of Proactive Off-season Maintenance

The effort you put into off-season maintenance directly impacts the longevity and condition of your fiberglass pool. By taking proactive steps to clean your pool, adjust its water chemistry for the cold, periodically check its balance, and secure it with a pool cover, you protect your investment and make for an easier and more efficient opening in the spring. This proactive approach ensures your pool remains a source of enjoyment and relaxation for many years without extensive repairs or adjustments when the swim season arrives. Embrace the off-season as an opportunity to ensure your fiberglass pool’s continued health, beauty, and enjoyment.

What Does Routine Fiberglass Pool Maintenance Look Like?

Owning a fiberglass pool brings with it the benefits of reduced upkeep demands and the guarantee of continuous enjoyment during the warmer months. Yet, it’s crucial to recognize that this ease of ownership is complemented by the need for consistent maintenance, particularly in maintaining balanced pool water chemistry, to ensure your pool remains a radiant and inviting space to spend time with your family and friends. This post examines what routine fiberglass pool maintenance entails and guides you through a plan to keep your pool in perfect harmony throughout the swimming season.


Starting the Season Right

Opening your fiberglass pool marks the commencement of the swimming season and sets the stage for a season of fun and relaxation. Once you open your pool, commit to conducting daily tests to adjust your pool’s chemistry until the water’s Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) value is balanced (-0.30 to +0.30). This crucial first step ensures your pool water is neither too corrosive nor scaling, protecting the integrity and appearance of the fiberglass gel coat.


Maintaining Chlorine Levels

Once the LSI is in balance, the next step is to add sanitizer to maintain chlorine levels within a safe range of 1 to 3 parts per million (ppm). This range is optimal for disinfecting the pool without damaging the fiberglass surface. Monitoring and adjusting chlorine levels is a fundamental aspect of routine maintenance that keeps the water clear, clean, and safe for swimmers.


Weekly Checks and Adjustments

Your pool’s water chemistry can quickly fluctuate even after establishing a balanced baseline due to various events such as changes in swimmer load, weather conditions, organic debris, water evaporation and more. Perform weekly tests to ensure ongoing water balance, checking the chlorine, pH, alkalinity, and other factors contributing to the LSI. These regular check-ins help catch and correct minor imbalances before they become bigger issues.


Water Level and Filtration Maintenance

Maintaining the pool’s water level is another vital aspect of routine care. The water level should always be halfway to the top of the skimmer window to ensure efficient filtration and circulation. Regularly check and clean the filter and skimmer baskets to prevent clogs and maintain proper function. Additionally, vacuuming your pool to remove debris and sediment keeps the water clearer and reduces the strain on your pool’s filtration system.


Gentle Cleaning for Long-Lasting Shine

The non-porous gelcoat surface of fiberglass pools is highly stain-resistant, making cleaning a breeze. A soft microfiber cloth, sponge, or pool brush with nylon bristles should suffice. Some household cleaners contain harsh chemicals unsuitable for fiberglass pool surfaces and may cause damage over time. Always use cleaners specifically designed for fiberglass pools as aggressive cleaning agents can damage the gelcoat, leading to unnecessary wear and repair costs. Metal scrapers or putty knives can gouge or scratch the fiberglass when used to remove debris or scale. Also avoid using highly abrasive tools such as wire and stiff bristle brushes or steel wool. 


The Value of Prevention

In pool maintenance, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Regular, proactive care keeps your pool looking and performing its best and extends the life of your investment. Fortunately, the inherent durability and ease of care associated with fiberglass pools mean that maintaining balanced water chemistry requires less effort than you might think. Test kits and tools such as the Orenda LSI calculator smartphone application can help by quickly providing direction on how to properly balance your pool water.


Understanding Low Maintenance Isn’t Maintenance-Free

While fiberglass pools are celebrated for their low maintenance needs, it’s important to remember that “less maintenance” doesn’t mean “maintenance-free.” The foundation of a healthy, long-lasting pool is balanced water chemistry, achieved through frequent and routine testing, precise adjustments, and regular cleaning. By embracing these responsibilities, you’ll ensure your pool remains a beautiful source of joy, relaxation, and pride.

Routine fiberglass pool maintenance, centered around balanced water chemistry, is the cornerstone of a healthy, beautiful pool. By beginning the season with thorough testing and adjustments, maintaining chlorine levels, weekly checks, keeping the pool clean, and proactively managing the water balance, you can enjoy a trouble-free swimming experience. 


Five Essential Steps to Maintain Your Pool’s Finish

For many homeowners, the decision to install a fiberglass pool is influenced by the widely recognized benefit of reduced maintenance. The non-porous surface of a fiberglass pool significantly lessens the likelihood of algae growth and reduces the demand for chemicals to maintain water balance. This inherent characteristic of fiberglass pools contributes to their appeal, offering homeowners more time to enjoy their aquatic sanctuary with less laborious upkeep. However, it’s crucial to understand that “lower maintenance” does not equate to “maintenance-free.” For fiberglass pool owners, maintaining your pool’s vibrant, smooth finish is just as important as keeping the water clear and inviting. While the allure of crystal-clear water is undeniable, the unseen balance of water chemistry plays the most crucial role in preserving the integrity and appearance of your pool. This post explores five essential steps to maintain your pool’s finish, including tips on proper pool water chemistry


Achieve Optimal Water Balance with LSI

The Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) is your best friend when understanding water balance. Achieving an optimal LSI is crucial for preventing damage to the gelcoat of your fiberglass pool. An imbalanced LSI can lead to scaling or etching, both of which can mar your pool’s finish.

Thankfully, you don’t need to be a chemist to manage water chemistry. Tools like the Orenda LSI Calculator simplify the process, helping you to find and maintain the right balance easily. For further guidance, refer to water balance cheat sheets, instructional videos, and other resources available through trusted pool maintenance platforms.

Maintain Recommended Chlorine Levels

Chlorine protects your pool’s health, freeing it from harmful bacteria and algae. However, the relationship between chlorine and fiberglass pools must be carefully managed. Maintaining free chlorine levels between 1 and 3 parts per million (ppm) is ideal. Beware of exceeding 5 ppm especially when your pool water is not properly balanced, as high chlorine levels can cause irreversible damage to your pool’s surface, leading to discoloration and degradation of the gelcoat. Maintaining optimal LSI levels makes your chlorine more efficient and less harsh on the pool surface and equipment.

Avoid Calcium Hypochlorite

While calcium hypochlorite is favored in various pool contexts for shock treatments, it poses risks for fiberglass pools due to its propensity to elevate pH levels and deliver a high dose of free chlorine. Such characteristics can lead to lasting damage to the pool’s surface. Liquid chlorine emerges as a preferable alternative, offering a safer means to manage pool hygiene without the associated risks of calcium hypochlorite. Nevertheless, vigilance is required to prevent the adverse effects of excessive chlorine, ensuring the pool’s surface remains pristine.

Don’t Assume Your Pool Pros Know It All

The pool maintenance industry is constantly evolving, with new products and refined best practices emerging regularly. As a pool owner, staying informed about these developments is beneficial to ensure your pool receives the best care possible.

Engage with your pool maintenance professionals and inquire whether they use the LSI for water balancing. Your proactive approach can make a significant difference in maintaining the pristine condition of your pool.

Remember, Clear Water Isn’t a Guarantee of Proper Balance

While clear water may symbolize cleanliness and balance, it does not necessarily reflect the underlying chemical equilibrium essential for pool health. Undetected imbalances can precipitate issues like staining, fading, or etching, which may only become apparent once they have inflicted considerable damage. Consequently, regular and thorough testing, guided by LSI metrics, is crucial. This disciplined approach extends beyond aesthetic considerations, forming the cornerstone of proactive pool maintenance that ensures both the preservation of the pool’s finish and the safety of its users.


Comprehensive Maintenance: A Holistic Approach

Maintaining the finish of your fiberglass pool involves a delicate balance of chemistry and care. By following these five essential steps, you won’t just preserve the look and feel of your pool—you’ll extend its lifespan and enhance the enjoyment it brings to your life.

It’s critical to remember that pool maintenance is an ongoing process. Achieving the optimal water balance today doesn’t mean it will remain that way for the entire swim season. Regular testing and adjustments to your pool’s chemistry will keep your pool in top condition. Embrace the journey of pool ownership equipped with knowledge and confidence, knowing that each step you take protects your cherished aquatic retreat.

Examining the Elements Involved in Factoring LSI

Maintaining balanced pool water chemistry in your fiberglass pool is truly a balancing act. Each of the six factors that calculate the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) can ebb and flow, although some are more reactionary and volatile than others. While maintaining all six factors may feel like a juggling act, understanding what they are, how they interact, and their impact on your pool is critical to keeping the LSI balanced and your water in equilibrium.


The Critical Role of pH

pH, or “potential of hydrogen,” is the most critical variable in water chemistry balance. While alterations of any involved equation variables can affect your water balance, a change in pH can have ten times the effect compared to other LSI factors

pH levels indicate water’s acidity or basicity. They range from 0 to 14, with 0 being very acidic, 7 being neutral, and 14 being very basic. Chlorine and other sanitizers will only remain effective and function correctly within specific pH ranges—namely, the range between 7.2 and 7.6 deemed ideal for swimming pools. Hydrochloric or muriatic acid can lower high pH levels, while a low-pH pool will need an alkaline boost from sodium carbonate. 

The best thing an owner can do for the health and safety of their pool and its frequent swimmers is to regularly test the pH and other chemical levels. Daily testing and checks before and after each use are recommended and will help you become more familiar with how various factors, including some outside your control, affect your pH and overall LSI levels. 


Total Alkalinity

Alkalinity is often called “the yin to pH’s yang,” as the two are related. Alkalinity measures water’s capacity to withstand changes in pH. In fiberglass pools, recommended total alkalinity levels range from 80 to 120 parts per million.

Low alkalinity makes water corrosive, causing stains and etching on your pool’s surface. Water will become depository if alkalinity rises above the recommended range for fiberglass pools (120 ppm). As a result, pool surface scaling occurs and a white cloudy film may appear, clogging filters and reducing circulation.


Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

As the name implies, total dissolved solids (TDS) include chemicals or anything other than calcium that remains after water evaporates. These solids can include salts, metals, minerals, and other organic materials that have entered and dissolved within the pool water. We recommend that the TDS level be no higher than 1,500 ppm (or 1,000 ppm above safe salt level in saltwater pools). A high TDS level can lead to algae blooms, scaling, or other pool stains.


Cyanuric Acid (Chlorine Stabilizer)

Cyanuric acid (CYA) will prevent the sun’s ultraviolet rays from decomposing free chlorine in your pool water. Levels between 30 and 50 ppm are recommended, but higher levels don’t necessarily mean better results. If the cyanuric acid level reaches 100 ppm or above, chlorine’s effectiveness at killing bacteria and algae is compromised.


Calcium Hardness

A lower calcium hardness level in your pool water results in a softer and silkier it will feel on swimmers’ skin. Calcium hardness is also essential for maintaining water cleanliness and equipment operation. Regulated calcium hardness between the recommended range of 150 to 200 ppm will help keep pool materials looking and working their best. When calcium hardness is too low, the water becomes aggressive and corrosive. When too high, pH levels raise, leading to cloudy water, surface discoloration, and filter-clogging calcium deposits.



The temperature factor is the only non-chemical component of water chemistry balance and your pool’s LSI. Utilizing a pool heater will make your temperature factor much easier to control. Many swimmers enjoy a “bathwater” feel and temperature, but water warmer than 82 degrees Fahrenheit can encourage bacteria or algae growth. Calcium deposits form more quickly in warmer water, while a too-cool pool makes it easier for water to begin corroding equipment.

Parents of infants and young children should consider keeping temperatures slightly higher into the upper 80s. However, a pool used primarily for exercise or competitive swim training should skew lower, between 77 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. A good general rule for many pool owners is aiming for a water temperature between 77 degrees and the mid-80s. Keeping a constant temperature will help prevent bacteria and algae growth and improve the efforts of chlorine, saltwater, or other pool sanitation measures.


Every Factor is Important

Many pool owners and even pool service professionals habitually test for pH and chlorine, and occasionally they check the alkalinity. However, this approach ignores many critical LSI factors. Although they do not tend to change as rapidly, You should also regularly test calcium hardness, CYA, and TDS. By testing all six factors in your pool water, you will have a more clear and complete understanding of its LSI and water balance.


How Do I Balance My Pool Water Using LSI?

Balancing your pool water is essential for maintaining its clarity, safety, and longevity, especially for fiberglass pool owners. While pool water chemistry balance may seem complex, modern tools like the Orenda Technologies LSI Calculator have simplified the testing and adjustment process. This blog post will guide you through using Orenda’s app to achieve optimal water balance in your pool, ensuring it stays in beautiful condition without needing a degree in chemistry. We’ve included step-by-step instructions, complemented by screen-capture images, to make the process as straightforward as possible.

Editor’s Note: There are available alternatives to the Orenda app. Thursday Pools and Orenda have no relationship other than sharing a desire to help fiberglass pool owners properly maintain their water chemistry. If you want to get even more informed on water balance and related topics, check out Orenda’s library of educational videos, tutorials, and other resources. 

Step 1: Download the Orenda App

The journey to balanced pool water begins with a simple download of the Orenda app, available on both iOS and Android platforms. This app significantly simplifies pool chemistry, particularly focusing on the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI), making it an indispensable tool for pool owners.


Orenda App


Step 2: Input Your Pool Details

Once you have downloaded and opened the app, the first step is to input your pool’s specific details, such as the volume of your pool in gallons and the water temperature, which are critical for accurate calculations. The app’s user-friendly interface guides you through entering these initial details.


Step 3: Enter Current Water Chemistry Levels

The next step involves inputting the current levels of various water chemistry variables that influence your pool’s LSI.

These include: 

  • Water temperature
  • pH level
  • Calcium Hardness
  • Total Alkalinity
  • Cyanuric Acid stabilizer
  • Total Dissolved Solids

You’ll find a section on the left-hand side of the app dedicated to entering these values. Precise measurements at this stage are crucial for accurately assessing your pool’s water balance. 

Also, note that the app includes levels for Chlorine and Phosphates. While these values don’t affect the LSI, they are essential in maintaining a healthy and safe pool.


Step 4: Adjusting for Optimal LSI

After entering your pool’s details and current chemistry levels, the real magic begins. The app allows you to tweak and adjust the values on the right-hand side of the screen to see how changes can affect your pool’s LSI. 

The goal is to adjust these levels until you achieve a desired LSI value within the optimal range of -0.3 to +0.3. Note that for saltwater pools, we recommend a slightly tighter range of -0.2 to +0.2 to account for the unique chemistry of saltwater systems.

The app’s LSI indicator is highlighted in different colors depending on the status. 

  •   Over +0.30 is coded PURPLE, meaning your water can cause scaling on your equipment and gelcoat surface. 
  • -0.30 to +0.30 is coded GREEN to indicate the ideal LSI balance. 
  • -0.30 to -0.01 is YELLOW, meaning you’re close to balance but not quite there. 
  • < -0.30 is coded RED to alert you to corrosive water that can damage your pool equipment and gelcoat surface.

The ideal target is as close to zero as possible. This interactive feature allows you to experiment with different adjustments to understand how each factor may affect your pool’s overall balance.



Step 5: Calculate and Correct

After adjusting your inputs to reach the ideal LSI range, hitting the “Calculate” button creates a customized list of actions and products needed to balance your pool water. It tells you what needs to be adjusted and recommends specific chemicals and quantities to achieve the desired balance. This step eliminates guesswork, ensuring you use the right products in the right amounts.

Step 6: Implement Recommendations

With a tailored action plan, the final step is implementing the app’s recommendations. Whether adjusting the pH, adding calcium hardness increaser, or balancing total alkalinity, follow the guidelines to bring your pool water into harmony.

Why Use the Orenda App?

Simplifies Complex Calculations

The Orenda app demystifies the complexity of water chemistry, breaking it down into simple and manageable steps. This guidance ensures that pool owners can maintain their pool’s health without needing deep technical knowledge.

Saves Time and Money

By providing precise recommendations, the app helps pool owners avoid over- or under-treating their pool, saving money on chemicals and preventing potential damage to the pool’s surface or equipment.

Enhances Pool Enjoyment

Regularly using the Orenda app to balance your pool water means clearer, safer water and a more enjoyable swimming experience for you and your family. It also extends the lifespan of your pool by preventing damage and other issues related to imbalanced water.

Balancing your pool water using the LSI doesn’t have to be daunting. With the Orenda Technologies LSI Calculator, achieving and maintaining optimal water balance is easier and more intuitive than ever. By following the simple steps outlined above and taking advantage of the app’s smart recommendations, you can ensure your pool remains an enjoyable oasis for years to come.


What is LSI?

What is LSI?

When it comes to maintaining the sparkling allure of your fiberglass pool, understanding the nuances and importance of pool water chemistry is paramount. Among the various metrics and tests available, the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) is a critical yet often overlooked aspect of pool care. This post aims to demystify LSI and explain its importance in keeping your fiberglass pool in top condition for years to come.

What is the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI)?

Developed in the 1930s by Dr. Wilfred Langelier, the Langelier Saturation Index offers a precise, unbiased measure of your pool water’s balance. Ultimately, LSI assesses how saturated water is with calcium carbonate, a component crucial for maintaining the integrity and appearance of your pool. The index provides a clear, numeric value that reflects your water’s balance, with perfectly balanced, neutral water having a zero LSI value. 

Maintaining your pool water within a range of -0.3 to +0.3 on the scale is acceptable, as it prevents the water from damaging the fiberglass surface. For saltwater pools, a slightly tighter range of -0.2 to +0.2 is recommended to account for the unique chemistry of saltwater systems.

Why is LSI Important for Your Fiberglass Pool?

Understanding and managing the LSI of your pool water is critical for several reasons:

  • Preventing Scale Formation: If the LSI is too high, it indicates your water is overly saturated with calcium carbonate. This condition leads to scale formation, as the water attempts to return to a balanced state by depositing excess minerals onto your pool’s surfaces and equipment. Not only does this affect the aesthetic appeal of your pool, but it can also hinder the efficiency of your pool’s filtration system.


  • Avoiding Corrosion and Damage: On the flip side, a low Langelier Saturation Index value indicates corrosive water that can pose a significant threat to the integrity of your fiberglass pool. Corrosive water can lead to chalking, a form of damage where the fiberglass gel coat surface begins to deteriorate. This damage not only affects the pool’s appearance but can also compromise its surface integrity over time.


  • Holistic Water Balance Approach: While keeping individual chemical levels within recommended ranges is essential, focusing solely on ranges and levels doesn’t provide a complete picture of your pool’s health. The Langelier Saturation Index offers an unbiased, comprehensive, and holistic view of your pool’s chemistry and water balance. By maintaining a balanced LSI, you ensure the longevity and durability of your fiberglass pool, protecting your investment and ensuring it remains a source of joy and relaxation for years to come.

How to Balance Your Pool Water Using LSI

Balancing your pool water’s LSI involves monitoring and adjusting several factors, including pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, temperature, and total dissolved solids. Here are some tips to help you maintain an optimal LSI:


Regular Testing: Use reliable test kits to frequently check the key factors affecting LSI levels. This process will help you identify any imbalances early on so you can take corrective action.

Adjust Chemical Levels: Based on your test results, adjust the levels of pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness as needed to bring your pool water within the ideal LSI range.

Consider Pool Temperature: Remember that water temperature affects LSI, with warmer water tending to be more scale-forming. Adjust your maintenance routine seasonally to account for temperature changes.

Professional Consultation: If you’re unsure about adjusting your pool’s chemistry, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. A pool maintenance expert can provide tailored recommendations based on your pool’s specific conditions.


Check out this article for a step-by-step approach to using Orenda’s helpful LSI calculator app to balance your pool water.


The Langelier Saturation Index is more than just a number; it’s a comprehensive guide to maintaining the beauty and integrity of your fiberglass pool. By understanding and managing your pool’s LSI, you’re not just caring for the water. You’re preserving the entire pool experience, ensuring it remains a safe, enjoyable, and beautiful oasis for many years. As part of your broader fiberglass pool maintenance strategy, mastering LSI empowers you to take proactive steps towards pristine water quality and pool longevity.

Choosing Between Gunite and Fiberglass? A Guide.



Inground pools come in three different types—vinyl, gunite, and fiberglass—so determining what’s a right fit for you requires a little research. If you’ve arrived at the point where it’s a decisionThursday Day Poolson fiberglass vs gunite (concrete), you’ve narrowed your decision tree a bit by throwing out vinyl as an option. This post will consider a concrete pool vs fiberglass pool to help you narrow your choices even further.      

Buyer’s Checklist

The answers to the following questions can be differentiating factors of choosing a concrete vs fiberglass pool.

  1. How will your pool be used? Is it a party backdrop, a sunning platform, or the wet arena of countless epic splash-sport battles?
  2. Who will maintain the pool? If it’s you, what is the amount of time you’re willing to commit? If it’s someone else, what is the annual budget? 
  3. How big a pool do you want or need? Do you want a particular size, shape, or feature? 
  4. How much decking and landscaping? 
  5. Who will use the pool? Will it include children and pets? 
  6. Does your dealer provide a warranty and track record of installing durable pools? 

About Concrete Pools

The first gunite pool was built in 1940. However, soon after, World War II stifled the industry. In post-war society, more homeowners started to purchase gunite pools. And today, depending on climate, gunite pools are still popular. For example, gunite pools can be more affordable in Florida and California, where the year-round temperature isn’t as extreme.

What are the Advantages of Concrete Pools 

Gunite pool advantages lie in their customizability. For the pool buyer who wants to take an active hand in their pool design, gunite is often, but not always, the best option. Gunite pools are:

  • Highly customizable. Concrete pools are built in various shapes, sizes, and depths. If you’re looking for a unique pool design (e.g., the shape of a guitar or a palm tree), a concrete pool is for you. 
  • Durable. Gunite pools are concrete! Like roads, sidewalks, and buildings, the walls and floor of a gunite pool are durable. While excessive surface cracks can cause staining, algae buildup, and calcium nodules resulting in the need to replaster, the surface is much stronger than vinyl liner pools.Heart Shaped Concrete Pool

What are the Disadvantages of Concrete Pools?

Aside from having a potentially higher upfront cost, the main disadvantages are the cost and time involved with maintaining the gunite and its plaster surface. The cost of ownership can catch some owners off-guard. Disadvantages of concrete pools are:

  • Higher lifetime costs. As you’re doing your pool research, you’ll likely ask, “Are fiberglass or gunite pools more expensive?” Aside from various cost factors, including price differences in temperate climates, there’s not a big upfront price difference between the gunite and fiberglass pool cost. They both have mid-range costs from $45,000-$65,000. However, once you’ve bought the pool, you’ll have to maintain it. That’s when concrete pool cost becomes an issue for many buyers; the estimated 10-year maintenance cost of a gunite pool is about $16,000 or more compared to a fiberglass pool that has an estimated 10-year maintenance cost of around $4,500. 
  • Higher maintenance. When comparing fiberglass to gunite, one of the most important things to consider is how hard it can be to maintain the pool. People decide not to get a pool because they worry about maintenance and upkeep. If this is one of your concerns, consider that gunite pools require more maintenance than any other type of pool. If you own a concrete pool, you may spend around four to five hours per week on concrete pool maintenance compared to around one hour with fiberglass.
  • Cracking. Have you ever noticed cracks on outdoor patios made of concrete? A pool is no different. As the earth moves, the concrete is not flexible, and instead of moving with the earth, the concrete cracks. This brittleness leaves you with expensive repairs and an undesirable finish to your pool. A fiberglass pool shell offers flexibility, helping to prevent damage when the earth shifts.
  • Salt incompatible. Gunite is not the best move if you want a salt system in your pool. Salt gradually eats away at the cement finish as salt eats away a concrete driveway. If salt sits on the pool surface without dissolving, it can stain it in minutes. This salt damage also shortens the lifespan of the pool.
  • Rough-surfaces. You most likely wouldn’t play volleyball barefoot on concrete. In the pool, it’s not much different! The rough surfaces can snag your swimsuit and be hard on your feet. Gunite can also hurt your pets’ joints and paws.

About Fiberglass Pools 

Thursday Pools Zero Entry Fiberglass pools came into the swimming pool market in the 1950s and have tripled in popularity in the last 20 years. These pools have become a hot commodity due to innovative manufacturing techniques, easier installation, lower maintenance, and luxurious designs with unique features like zero-entry and tanning ledges! You can even choose fiberglass pool designs with a hot tub.

Advantages of Fiberglass Swimming Pools

Fiberglass pools have exploded with innovative shapes, features, and designs. The experience of installing and owning a fiberglass pool is one of pure pool enjoyment. It’s a bit of work, but the emphasis is on the fun. Fiberglass swimming pools are: 

  • Durable. (We’ll speak to our designs since we know them best). Our fiberglass pool shell is like a giant sandwich, the composite sandwich of awesomeness, made of 9 layers of different materials, including gel coat, fiberglass (chopped and woven), honeycomb core, and 100% vinyl ester barrier coat. Fiberglass specialists manufacture the shell in multiple layers, with each layer serving to maximize the strength and durability of the entire structure. The layers help the fiberglass withstand weather conditions while retaining flexibility and resisting cracking.
  • Quick to install. Fiberglass pools go in easy and fast. Gunite pools can depend heavily on weather conditions and will roughly take three to six months to install, while fiberglass pools typically only take three to six weeks during non-busy seasons because they are pre-built on the mold and ready to go into the ground upon delivery! 
  • Usually paired with a lifetime manufacturer warranty. Concrete builders typically don’t have a manufacturer; therefore, they don’t have a manufacturer warranty. If any warranty comes with a concrete pool, it’s typically only a workmanship warranty by the builder. Most (but not necessarily all) fiberglass pool manufacturers ensure every pool purchased and installed is warranted not to leak due to structural failures caused by workmanship and material used in the manufacturing for the pool’s lifetime. If choosing a fiberglass pool, check with your independent dealer for the pool manufacturer warranty. 
  • The easiest pool to own. As mentioned before, the average time you will spend maintaining a fiberglass pool is only an hour or less per week. A fiberglass pool’s smooth, non-skid gel coat finish is 100 percent non-porous and non-reactive, so it doesn’t absorb chemicals or affect how they perform. Because the smooth gel coat makes fiberglass pools algae-resistant, you will use fewer chemicals in a fiberglass pool than you would a gunite pool. Fiberglass pools are also lower maintenance than other pool types, needing little more than essential vacuuming, skimming, and water testing. Less time and fewer chemicals mean fiberglass pool cost is lower on an annual basis. 
  • Smooth on the surface. The smooth gel-coat surface on our fiberglass pools won’t snag your swimsuit or cause scratches! Because the pool surface is smooth, a frequently asked question is, “are fiberglass pools slippery?” No, you won’t have to worry about the surface being too slick on steps or tanning ledges in our fiberglass pools, thanks to our proprietary process of producing a non-slip gel-coat for certain surfaces on each pool. The tanning areas, seats, steps, and safety ledges have this proprietary surface finish that provides a non-slip surface while still being easy on the skin and smooth to the touch.

Disadvantages of Fiberglass Swimming Pools

Fiberglass pools aren’t for everyone. Small fiberglass pools and medium-sized fiberglass pools come in various shapes and designs, but there are limits. The disadvantages of fiberglass pools are: 

  • They are limited in size options. A fiberglass pool is limited to the lengths, widths, and shapes installers can safely transport on the highway. Fiberglass pools generally can be a maximum of 16-feet wide and 40-feet long.
  • They are less customizable. Fiberglass pool manufacturing requires pre-made molds, so pool designs are limited to what molds the manufacturer already has or is developing. Luckily, as fiberglass has become more popular, manufacturers have plenty of pool design options to choose from that will fit most yards and suit many lifestyles.  
  • They are not DIY. Fiberglass pools are not DIY-friendly. Fiberglass pools are hard to install for even the handiest of handymen. Fiberglass pool dealers have access to training, and they will have the equipment needed to complete the job without damaging the pool. Many people ask us, “Do fiberglass pools pop out of the ground?” Well, they actually can if they aren’t properly installed. Many fiberglass manufacturers do not sell directly to homeowners and sell only to an independent dealer network. The dealer installs your pool to the standards of the warranty.


If you are looking for a low-maintenance, fast-to-install, durable inground pool, fiberglass is a great way to go! If you’re interested in getting a fiberglass pool, the next step is to contact a dealer in your area and browse our pool designs to determine which is the best fit for your backyard oasis! If you want a quick ballpark estimate on the pool of your dreams, check out our pool cost calculator


When Should You Open Your Pool

When spring has sprung, most new fiberglass pool owners ask, “when should you open your pool?” Is April the best time to open the pool? Is it May? The answer can vary by geography and whether or not you have a heater. One thing is for sure, while that first dip of the season is worth waiting for, the waiting is the hardest part!  

If you are in the waiting phase, you want to ensure you’re not waiting too long. You don’t want to miss a single day of swim season, so follow this guide and get prepped to open your pool. 


Your pool opening and closing schedule will vary based on where you live. If you want to be generally aware, tune into the rhythms of the farmers and gardeners in your area. The answer to the question, “when should you open your pool?” will mirror some of the answers to “when is planting season?” Getting in touch with a local dealer or professional pool cleaning service is a great way to get a sense of the best opening and closing times for your area. Get past that damaging freeze, and it’s safe to kick pool season into gear! 

If you live in Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, or almost any state above the Mason-Dixon line, you may see wild temperature fluctuations in March and April. You can apply another opening-day rule of thumb: if daytime temperatures are consistently above 70°, you can open. You might be surprised how early you can open. Opening the pool and circulating the water helps against pollen accumulation, and it gets backyard grilling season started in style!


Thursday Pools fiberglass pool

So when should you open your pool? As soon as it’s possible to do so safely. Here’s what you’ll need to get started.



Remember having everything you need to do the job right within an arm’s reach will help the opening of your inground fiberglass pool go smoother. Gather these items:

  • Soft broom
  • Pool chemicals 
  • Safety goggles
  • Chemical resistant gloves
  • Test strips
  • Garden hose 
  • Cover cleaner or car wash soap
  • A good friend or pool service to help
  • Ice cold beverages to celebrate a job well done*

*Hey, you can’t forget to reward yourself! But that’s just the supplies, so don’t celebrate just yet. Here is what to do to open your inground fiberglass pool.    

  • Check your water level. Even with your pool tightly covered, the water level can change over winter. Your water level needs to be mid-way up your skimmer before removing your pool cover. Groundwater levels are often highest in the spring (especially if you got a lot of snow in the winter). If you don’t keep your groundwater pressure equalized, you can damage an inground pool.  Thursday Pools Fiberglass Pool
  • Remove your pool cover. After you’re sure your water level is correct, remove any water from the pool cover. Make sure you’re pushing or pumping that water away from your pool, not just adding to the pool-adjacent groundwater. If you’re using a pump to remove water from the top of the cover, be careful – some pumps are powerful.

A leaf blower can help get surface-level debris off the cover. The soft broom will come in handy during this step, allowing you to sweep away dead leaves and other debris collected through the winter months. After that, the process depends on which kind of pool cover you have. 

  1. Automatic pool covers. The virtues of automatic pool covers are many. They make pool openings easy. But, they are mechanized, so make sure you’re opening it gradually with your touchpad so it doesn’t get stuck or crooked as it opens. 
  2. Standard winter covers. Your winter cover needs to be adequately removed, cleaned, and sanitized to store away for your fall pool closing. Be sure to check with your cover’s manufacturer for removal instructions–each one is different. Removing it the wrong way can cause unwanted debris to fall into your water and contaminate it, making it more challenging to get your water healthfully balanced.
  3. Check your equipment. Once the cover is off and your water is at the proper level and skimmed for debris, you can turn on and check your pool equipment. Pumps, filters, filter media, skimmer baskets, and lights sitting idle in the elements all winter might need tuning up or replacing. Here’s a Tip: check the pump housing near the O-ring for cracks. O-ring cracks can cause air to get sucked into your pump and if these are present,the time to find that out is now before the swimming season is in full swing. If you’re doing maintenance yourself, you may need some additional supplies such as thread seal tape and pool gasket lubricant in order to lubricate any O-rings. If you’re leaving your maintenance to the pros, most professional pool opening services will conduct a thorough check and alert you to any problem areas or necessary repairs. If all is working well, leave your pump on and let the water circulate for at least 12 hours.
  4. Check your pool water chemistry. Once your water has had a chance to circulate, you’ll need to test it to determine your water balance starting point. Getting the balance right can be challenging at the start of the season. A pool professional can help get your water balanced after a long winter. They can also be a resource throughout the season. Someswimming pool professionals provide a free, computerized water analysis that tests for more water balance factors than a standard home test kit. Water chemistry is one of the more complex aspects of pool ownership. Whether you monitor it yourself or hire a pro, if you get your water correctly balanced when opening your pool, you’ll have an easier time keeping your water chemistry balanced throughout the swim season.
  5. Give the pool a spring cleaning. Opening day is when to clean your pool before the swim season gets underway. Start by scrubbing the pool walls. The soft broom or sponge is best to use when cleaning your pool walls. Avoid abrasives such as sandpaper and steel wool that can damage the finish of your pool. After giving the walls a good cleaning, it’s time to vacuum. Start from the shallow end and work your way down the slope of the pool. Be sure to clean thoroughly around the steps and other crevices where debris can accumulate.
  6. Inspect your safety equipment and pool accessories. Your handrails and lifesavers need to be swim-ready by the time you are. Take time in the spring to inspect, maintain or replace safety equipment, fiberglass pool accessories, and even outdoor furniture so you can be ready to relax poolside on opening day!

When should you open your pool? After you’ve followed these steps, of course! Hopefully, you feel prepared and can establish a good routine that will provide years of backyard enjoyment. Opening your pool is an excellent opportunity to reflect on what you’re grateful for and the fun times yet to be had. There has never been a better time to have a backyard paradise. If you’re looking for a bit of inspiration to make pool time enjoyable way past opening day, then you may want to check out our Idea Gallery

What is the Downside of Fiberglass Pools?

Thursday Pools Fiberglass PoolIf you are shopping for a pool, you will quickly realize there is a lot of information available on the topic of inground pools. You will likely first consider what type of pool is right for you as you compare. You may even have Googled, “what is the downside of fiberglass pools?” or “how long do fiberglass pools last?” to see what results you may get. (Smart move). Though it may seem strange that a fiberglass pool manufacturer is addressing this question, it would be even more strange to pretend that a fiberglass pool is for everyone. We want our pool buyers to make an informed decision, so this post will address some of the myths and truths about the downside of fiberglass pools.

Myth: Fiberglass pools are slippery.

Between the clear water shimmering in the sun and the high-gloss finish of a fiberglass pool, it’s logical that you would step cautiously into the pool or ease onto a built-in tanning ledge. However, technological advances have resulted in a gelcoat finish for fiberglass pools that is smooth but non-skid. Unlike the rough and porous surface of other inground pool types, fiberglass pools are more comfortable on your feet (and your pet’s paws) and will not snag your suit. 

Myth: Fiberglass pool designs are “slim pickins.” 

Some people assume fiberglass pool designs are punched out like widgets because they are manufactured in a controlled environment and shipped to the site. Go back a few decades, and there indeed were fewer options. However, today, fiberglass pools come in an array of sizes, shapes, and colors. Fiberglass pool manufacturers like Thursday Pools are constantly innovating to provide new options and built-in features, such as beach entry pools (Patent US 10,472,839)

Myth: Fiberglass is weak and brittle compared to other pool types.

Don’t be fooled by the name—fiberglass is not fragile. It’s lightweight (yet strong), not brittle, is designed with the ability to flex, and can last a long time when properly maintained. 

Myth: I’ll need to hire pool maintenance.

It’s a common perception that pools are a lot of time-consuming maintenance. The truth is some pool types do require more time to be set aside for maintenance.For example, the porous surface of some pool types requires weekly work with a steel brush to keep algae at bay and a heavier chemical regimen. Fiberglass pools are the lowest maintenance option. Not only does this keep your time commitment down, but it also makes the lifetime cost of owning a fiberglass pool much lower than other options. You may want to hire a pool service to help open, close, or for an occasional check-up, but you can do much fiberglass pool maintenance on your own in a matter of minutes each week.

What are the true downsides of fiberglass pools?

Truth: Size is limited with fiberglass. 

Because they are delivered in one piece, and the Department of Transportation limits what can be hauled down our roads without tighter regulations and a more extensive approval process, fiberglass pools are typically only 16 feet wide. So, if your pool dreams extend beyond 16 feet wide or 40 feet long, fiberglass may not be for you. 

Truth: Custom shapes don’t come in fiberglass. 

You can’t get a fiberglass pool shaped like a guitar. While the selection of fiberglass pools is impressive, it is a manufactured product. Your design comes from a multi-use pool shell mold. If you desire a lot of customization, you may opt for gunite.

Truth: The initial cost may be more than other pool types. 

It will likely cost more upfront to purchase a fiberglass pool than some other pool types. However, because you’ll save on maintenance and there is no liner to replace, the lifetime cost of a fiberglass pool is lower. So, if you need to spend less initially, fiberglass may not be your best option. If you’re looking to get a ballpark estimate as to what a fiberglass pool may cost, check out our Pool Cost Calculator.

Truth: It’s not a DIY project. 

A fiberglass pool is a lifetime purchase, but that’s only true if it’s properly installed. A DIY installation voids the pool’s warranty. In any case, we wouldn’t recommend that the average homeowner, or even an above-average DIYer, attempt to install a fiberglass pool. That’s one reason we don’t sell directly to consumers. Our independent dealers have the proper tools and training.

Truth: Access is essential. As we have already mentioned, your fiberglass pool shell arrives at your home as a finished piece—that’s one reason installation is so comparatively quick. The trucks and cranes often required for installation require space to operate. If you live in a tight and restricted area, the fiberglass pool you desire might not fit. 

A Word About Fiberglass Pool Manufacturers

As a manufacturer obsessed with quality, we believe in the value of fiberglass pools. If you’re purchasing a fiberglass pool, you’ll want to learn about the manufacturer. In addition to their design offerings, check out how they make their pools, their manufacturing quality standards, and commitment to environmental stewardship. 

More Research Options

You can do several things to ensure a clear picture of fiberglass pools and available competing options. Do online research, including YouTube, Pinterest, Houzz, and fiberglass pool reviews. Utilize our online resources, such as our “Everything You Need To Know About Fiberglass Pools” page. Or talk to an independent dealer. Consider what questions you might ask them in advance. Questions might include: Do they have a warranty? What type of pool is their specialty? What is their lead time? What pool shapes, sizes, and design options do they offer? What about financing? 

What Type of Pool is Easiest to Maintain?

What type of inground pool is the easiest to maintain? Is it concrete (gunite)? Or vinyl? Maybe it’s fiberglass? It’s an important question for the prospective pool owner. Maintenance is part of the budget and the pool lifestyle. The pool maintenance conversation is interesting in that the pool types that require the most maintenance require the most explanation. That’s not meant to scare you away from something you have your eye on, but to let you know what to expect when it comes to the time and financial resources you will pour into your pool once it is purchased. 

The variety of pool types exists for a reason. Each leverages different materials and technology toward specific purposes. Fiberglass is unique and manufactured in a controlled setting and then shipped as a unit to its site. Concrete can be very custom, is built on site, and can be quite expensive. Vinyl is also built on site, but it is relatively inexpensive to install. Let’s review the pluses and minuses of each pool type and then talk about where maintenance fits into the purchase decision for different buyers. 

For this conversation, we’ll assume you are an inground pool buyer. Above-ground pools are part of the pool market, of course, and they are incredibly inexpensive by comparison, but they typically do not last as long. In addition, the experience they offer is very different from  an inground swimming pool. We’ll discuss concrete, vinyl-lined, and fiberglass inground pools, and we’ll order that discussion from most maintenance to least maintenance. 

Concrete (Gunite) Pool Pros and Cons

What Type of Pool is Easiest to MaintainConcrete pools allow for customization and creativity. They offer the most flexibility of all pools, allowing the buyer to choose the look, feel, shape, depth, size, and features. The concrete pool surface is typically rough, and as a result, can snag swimsuits and scrape kids’ feet and dogs’ paws. The cost can be higher, ranging from $35,000 to $100,000 and up. Concrete pool costs vary broadly based on customizations and region of the country. 

Concrete pool maintenance is the most involved of the three types of inground pools. The surface’s porosity welcomes algae, and  algae is tough to get at. It typically requires a weekly scraping with a steel brush to get in those nooks and crannies. To stem the algae problem, you’ll probably need a professional cleaning every three to five years for around $500. To protect the surface, you’ll also need to resurface it every 12 to 15 years for approximately $7,000 per 1,000 square feet.

Water chemistry is essential for all pools. It takes extra vigilance to ward off algae and salt, calcium and other minerals with concrete. This care generally requires filtering twice a day, therefore paying a little more in annual electrical costs. Most concrete pool owners will need or choose to hire a professional to open, close, or do a thorough cleaning each year, as well. 

The average concrete pool owner can expect to perform around 4-8 hours of maintenance per week. 

Vinyl Pool Pros and Cons

Vinyl pools also allow for a certain amount of creativity. Vinyl-lined pools can feature ledges, sitting benches, and the like. But the surface is slippery and not as conducive to these features as other types of pools. The soft vinyl surface is prone to ripping and punctures by everything from dog claws to sharp objects dropped in the pool to fallen tree limbs. Vinyl pools are relatively quick to install and, at around $35,000 to $65,000 on average, these pools are the least expensive of the three in upfront costs. 

Vinyl-lined pool maintenance is not as extensive as concrete, and you certainly won’t be using aWhat Type of Pool is Easiest to Maintain steel brush on its more delicate surface. Your level of care will depend in part on how much you use it and how proactive you are with regular maintenance. Its propensity to rip can result in the need for patching and or liner replacements. Liner replacements can be a $4,500 to $7,000 investment every five to seven years. If water chemistry isn’t carefully maintained, the liner may need to be replaced more often. The seams of a vinyl pool can also collect algae, keeping your regular chemistry costs about double to fiberglass. With a vinyl pool, you can save a little money by filtering one time per day and using fewer chemicals than you would with concrete, and you may not need to hire a professional as often as you might with a concrete pool. 

The average vinyl-lined pool owner can expect to perform around 4-6 hours of maintenance per week.

Fiberglass Pool Pros and Cons

What Type of Pool is Easiest to MaintainFiberglass today provides the best of both worlds. Like a vinyl pool, it is quick to install—quicker in that it comes as an entirely manufactured shell ready to be dropped into an excavated backyard spot. While not as customizable as concrete pools, the breadth and creativity of the modern fiberglass pool far surpass the expectations of many first-time pool shoppers. The upfront cost of a fiberglass pool is usually a little more than vinyl and a little less than a comparable concrete pool, ranging from $45,000 to $85,000 on average. 

Fiberglass pools are the most durable of the three. The attractive gel coat that seals the surface of the thick, multilayered fiberglass material resists fading and damage. There are no seams and pores to collect algae, so that alone saves on chemicals and quite a bit of time scrubbing.

Fiberglass pools require fewer chemicals and less filter circulation, even with cutting-edge features like tanning ledges. If a concrete pool can cost close to $700 annually for chemicals and around $400 for electricity related to the filtering, a fiberglass pool should run about a third of that cost. And, you do not need to acid wash the surface every three years as you would with concrete. 

The average fiberglass pool owner can expect to perform around 1-2 hours of maintenance per week. 

Long story short, the type of inground pool that is the easiest to maintain is clearly fiberglass. If you want an even more in-depth comparison of vinyl vs concrete vs fiberglass pools, check out our comparisons of inground pools.