How to Protect Your Pool Water Balance During the Off-season


As the vibrant days of summer fade into the crisp air of autumn, fiberglass pool owners face the critical task of preparing their pools for the off-season. However, the period of dormancy does not equate to a halt in maintenance efforts. Instead, the off-season requires a strategic approach to ensure your pool water is neither corrosive nor scaling and ready to welcome the enjoyment of the next swimming season. This blog post delves into the essential steps for monitoring your pool’s water chemistry balance during the colder months, safeguarding against potential damages that winter can bring.


Water Chemistry and Balance Challenges in the Off-season

Fiberglass pools, celebrated for their durability and longevity, are not immune to all the challenges of changing seasons. The fiberglass pool structure is generally more resilient against winter conditions thanks to its flexibility which can better withstand the stress caused by freezing temperatures. However, harsh winter conditions can still threaten the water balance and the pool surface if the pool is not properly winterized. The risk of damage escalates during winter when colder water temperatures can render the water more aggressive. This aggressiveness primarily stems from the water’s chemistry balance shifting with temperature changes, potentially leading to issues that can compromise the integrity of your pool’s finish.


Seasonal Cleaning and Preparation

The first step in your off-season maintenance routine should be thoroughly cleaning your pool. End-of-season cleaning includes wiping down the waterline with a soft brush to eliminate any buildup of debris, sunscreen, body oils, and other contaminants that may have accumulated over the swimming season. Also, brush the walls and floor of the pool, paying extra attention to corners and steps where algae and bacteria might accumulate. Remove all leaves, debris, and dirt from the water using a skimmer and vacuum the pool thoroughly to eliminate any settled particles and algae. A clean pool is not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating a stable foundation for your off-season water balance efforts.


Balancing for the Cold

Achieving and maintaining the correct pH, calcium, and alkalinity levels is crucial for sustaining your pool’s LSI balance, especially considering the estimated coldest winter temperatures. For instance, average winter pool water temperatures in the Midwest can hover around 45 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s important to recognize that water balanced at a warm 80 degrees may become corrosive at significantly lower temperatures. This phenomenon underscores the importance of adjusting your pool’s water chemistry to accommodate the cooling temperatures, ensuring the water remains non-corrosive and protective of your pool’s fiberglass surface.


The Role of a Pool Cover

Investing in a high-quality pool cover offers multiple benefits throughout the year, with its importance magnified during the off-season. A pool cover acts as a barrier against debris, reduces water evaporation, and helps maintain the pool’s water chemistry balance by minimizing external influences. 

Especially important for households with children or pets, a properly secured winter pool cover can prevent accidental falls into the pool. Safety covers are designed to withstand a person’s weight, providing an extra layer of protection when the pool is not in use. More than a convenience, a pool cover provides peace of mind and ensures your pool remains clean, sealed, and safe throughout the winter.


Benefits of Proactive Off-season Maintenance

The effort you put into off-season maintenance directly impacts the longevity and condition of your fiberglass pool. By taking proactive steps to clean your pool, adjust its water chemistry for the cold, periodically check its balance, and secure it with a pool cover, you protect your investment and make for an easier and more efficient opening in the spring. This proactive approach ensures your pool remains a source of enjoyment and relaxation for many years without extensive repairs or adjustments when the swim season arrives. Embrace the off-season as an opportunity to ensure your fiberglass pool’s continued health, beauty, and enjoyment.

What Does Routine Fiberglass Pool Maintenance Look Like?

Owning a fiberglass pool brings with it the benefits of reduced upkeep demands and the guarantee of continuous enjoyment during the warmer months. Yet, it’s crucial to recognize that this ease of ownership is complemented by the need for consistent maintenance, particularly in maintaining balanced pool water chemistry, to ensure your pool remains a radiant and inviting space to spend time with your family and friends. This post examines what routine fiberglass pool maintenance entails and guides you through a plan to keep your pool in perfect harmony throughout the swimming season.


Starting the Season Right

Opening your fiberglass pool marks the commencement of the swimming season and sets the stage for a season of fun and relaxation. Once you open your pool, commit to conducting daily tests to adjust your pool’s chemistry until the water’s Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) value is balanced (-0.30 to +0.30). This crucial first step ensures your pool water is neither too corrosive nor scaling, protecting the integrity and appearance of the fiberglass gel coat.


Maintaining Chlorine Levels

Once the LSI is in balance, the next step is to add sanitizer to maintain chlorine levels within a safe range of 1 to 3 parts per million (ppm). This range is optimal for disinfecting the pool without damaging the fiberglass surface. Monitoring and adjusting chlorine levels is a fundamental aspect of routine maintenance that keeps the water clear, clean, and safe for swimmers.


Weekly Checks and Adjustments

Your pool’s water chemistry can quickly fluctuate even after establishing a balanced baseline due to various events such as changes in swimmer load, weather conditions, organic debris, water evaporation and more. Perform weekly tests to ensure ongoing water balance, checking the chlorine, pH, alkalinity, and other factors contributing to the LSI. These regular check-ins help catch and correct minor imbalances before they become bigger issues.


Water Level and Filtration Maintenance

Maintaining the pool’s water level is another vital aspect of routine care. The water level should always be halfway to the top of the skimmer window to ensure efficient filtration and circulation. Regularly check and clean the filter and skimmer baskets to prevent clogs and maintain proper function. Additionally, vacuuming your pool to remove debris and sediment keeps the water clearer and reduces the strain on your pool’s filtration system.


Gentle Cleaning for Long-Lasting Shine

The non-porous gelcoat surface of fiberglass pools is highly stain-resistant, making cleaning a breeze. A soft microfiber cloth, sponge, or pool brush with nylon bristles should suffice. Some household cleaners contain harsh chemicals unsuitable for fiberglass pool surfaces and may cause damage over time. Always use cleaners specifically designed for fiberglass pools as aggressive cleaning agents can damage the gelcoat, leading to unnecessary wear and repair costs. Metal scrapers or putty knives can gouge or scratch the fiberglass when used to remove debris or scale. Also avoid using highly abrasive tools such as wire and stiff bristle brushes or steel wool. 


The Value of Prevention

In pool maintenance, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Regular, proactive care keeps your pool looking and performing its best and extends the life of your investment. Fortunately, the inherent durability and ease of care associated with fiberglass pools mean that maintaining balanced water chemistry requires less effort than you might think. Test kits and tools such as the Orenda LSI calculator smartphone application can help by quickly providing direction on how to properly balance your pool water.


Understanding Low Maintenance Isn’t Maintenance-Free

While fiberglass pools are celebrated for their low maintenance needs, it’s important to remember that “less maintenance” doesn’t mean “maintenance-free.” The foundation of a healthy, long-lasting pool is balanced water chemistry, achieved through frequent and routine testing, precise adjustments, and regular cleaning. By embracing these responsibilities, you’ll ensure your pool remains a beautiful source of joy, relaxation, and pride.

Routine fiberglass pool maintenance, centered around balanced water chemistry, is the cornerstone of a healthy, beautiful pool. By beginning the season with thorough testing and adjustments, maintaining chlorine levels, weekly checks, keeping the pool clean, and proactively managing the water balance, you can enjoy a trouble-free swimming experience. 


Five Essential Steps to Maintain Your Pool’s Finish

For many homeowners, the decision to install a fiberglass pool is influenced by the widely recognized benefit of reduced maintenance. The non-porous surface of a fiberglass pool significantly lessens the likelihood of algae growth and reduces the demand for chemicals to maintain water balance. This inherent characteristic of fiberglass pools contributes to their appeal, offering homeowners more time to enjoy their aquatic sanctuary with less laborious upkeep. However, it’s crucial to understand that “lower maintenance” does not equate to “maintenance-free.” For fiberglass pool owners, maintaining your pool’s vibrant, smooth finish is just as important as keeping the water clear and inviting. While the allure of crystal-clear water is undeniable, the unseen balance of water chemistry plays the most crucial role in preserving the integrity and appearance of your pool. This post explores five essential steps to maintain your pool’s finish, including tips on proper pool water chemistry


Achieve Optimal Water Balance with LSI

The Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) is your best friend when understanding water balance. Achieving an optimal LSI is crucial for preventing damage to the gelcoat of your fiberglass pool. An imbalanced LSI can lead to scaling or etching, both of which can mar your pool’s finish.

Thankfully, you don’t need to be a chemist to manage water chemistry. Tools like the Orenda LSI Calculator simplify the process, helping you to find and maintain the right balance easily. For further guidance, refer to water balance cheat sheets, instructional videos, and other resources available through trusted pool maintenance platforms.

Maintain Recommended Chlorine Levels

Chlorine protects your pool’s health, freeing it from harmful bacteria and algae. However, the relationship between chlorine and fiberglass pools must be carefully managed. Maintaining free chlorine levels between 1 and 3 parts per million (ppm) is ideal. Beware of exceeding 5 ppm especially when your pool water is not properly balanced, as high chlorine levels can cause irreversible damage to your pool’s surface, leading to discoloration and degradation of the gelcoat. Maintaining optimal LSI levels makes your chlorine more efficient and less harsh on the pool surface and equipment.

Avoid Calcium Hypochlorite

While calcium hypochlorite is favored in various pool contexts for shock treatments, it poses risks for fiberglass pools due to its propensity to elevate pH levels and deliver a high dose of free chlorine. Such characteristics can lead to lasting damage to the pool’s surface. Liquid chlorine emerges as a preferable alternative, offering a safer means to manage pool hygiene without the associated risks of calcium hypochlorite. Nevertheless, vigilance is required to prevent the adverse effects of excessive chlorine, ensuring the pool’s surface remains pristine.

Don’t Assume Your Pool Pros Know It All

The pool maintenance industry is constantly evolving, with new products and refined best practices emerging regularly. As a pool owner, staying informed about these developments is beneficial to ensure your pool receives the best care possible.

Engage with your pool maintenance professionals and inquire whether they use the LSI for water balancing. Your proactive approach can make a significant difference in maintaining the pristine condition of your pool.

Remember, Clear Water Isn’t a Guarantee of Proper Balance

While clear water may symbolize cleanliness and balance, it does not necessarily reflect the underlying chemical equilibrium essential for pool health. Undetected imbalances can precipitate issues like staining, fading, or etching, which may only become apparent once they have inflicted considerable damage. Consequently, regular and thorough testing, guided by LSI metrics, is crucial. This disciplined approach extends beyond aesthetic considerations, forming the cornerstone of proactive pool maintenance that ensures both the preservation of the pool’s finish and the safety of its users.


Comprehensive Maintenance: A Holistic Approach

Maintaining the finish of your fiberglass pool involves a delicate balance of chemistry and care. By following these five essential steps, you won’t just preserve the look and feel of your pool—you’ll extend its lifespan and enhance the enjoyment it brings to your life.

It’s critical to remember that pool maintenance is an ongoing process. Achieving the optimal water balance today doesn’t mean it will remain that way for the entire swim season. Regular testing and adjustments to your pool’s chemistry will keep your pool in top condition. Embrace the journey of pool ownership equipped with knowledge and confidence, knowing that each step you take protects your cherished aquatic retreat.

Examining the Elements Involved in Factoring LSI

Maintaining balanced pool water chemistry in your fiberglass pool is truly a balancing act. Each of the six factors that calculate the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) can ebb and flow, although some are more reactionary and volatile than others. While maintaining all six factors may feel like a juggling act, understanding what they are, how they interact, and their impact on your pool is critical to keeping the LSI balanced and your water in equilibrium.


The Critical Role of pH

pH, or “potential of hydrogen,” is the most critical variable in water chemistry balance. While alterations of any involved equation variables can affect your water balance, a change in pH can have ten times the effect compared to other LSI factors

pH levels indicate water’s acidity or basicity. They range from 0 to 14, with 0 being very acidic, 7 being neutral, and 14 being very basic. Chlorine and other sanitizers will only remain effective and function correctly within specific pH ranges—namely, the range between 7.2 and 7.6 deemed ideal for swimming pools. Hydrochloric or muriatic acid can lower high pH levels, while a low-pH pool will need an alkaline boost from sodium carbonate. 

The best thing an owner can do for the health and safety of their pool and its frequent swimmers is to regularly test the pH and other chemical levels. Daily testing and checks before and after each use are recommended and will help you become more familiar with how various factors, including some outside your control, affect your pH and overall LSI levels. 


Total Alkalinity

Alkalinity is often called “the yin to pH’s yang,” as the two are related. Alkalinity measures water’s capacity to withstand changes in pH. In fiberglass pools, recommended total alkalinity levels range from 80 to 120 parts per million.

Low alkalinity makes water corrosive, causing stains and etching on your pool’s surface. Water will become depository if alkalinity rises above the recommended range for fiberglass pools (120 ppm). As a result, pool surface scaling occurs and a white cloudy film may appear, clogging filters and reducing circulation.


Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

As the name implies, total dissolved solids (TDS) include chemicals or anything other than calcium that remains after water evaporates. These solids can include salts, metals, minerals, and other organic materials that have entered and dissolved within the pool water. We recommend that the TDS level be no higher than 1,500 ppm (or 1,000 ppm above safe salt level in saltwater pools). A high TDS level can lead to algae blooms, scaling, or other pool stains.


Cyanuric Acid (Chlorine Stabilizer)

Cyanuric acid (CYA) will prevent the sun’s ultraviolet rays from decomposing free chlorine in your pool water. Levels between 30 and 50 ppm are recommended, but higher levels don’t necessarily mean better results. If the cyanuric acid level reaches 100 ppm or above, chlorine’s effectiveness at killing bacteria and algae is compromised.


Calcium Hardness

A lower calcium hardness level in your pool water results in a softer and silkier it will feel on swimmers’ skin. Calcium hardness is also essential for maintaining water cleanliness and equipment operation. Regulated calcium hardness between the recommended range of 150 to 200 ppm will help keep pool materials looking and working their best. When calcium hardness is too low, the water becomes aggressive and corrosive. When too high, pH levels raise, leading to cloudy water, surface discoloration, and filter-clogging calcium deposits.



The temperature factor is the only non-chemical component of water chemistry balance and your pool’s LSI. Utilizing a pool heater will make your temperature factor much easier to control. Many swimmers enjoy a “bathwater” feel and temperature, but water warmer than 82 degrees Fahrenheit can encourage bacteria or algae growth. Calcium deposits form more quickly in warmer water, while a too-cool pool makes it easier for water to begin corroding equipment.

Parents of infants and young children should consider keeping temperatures slightly higher into the upper 80s. However, a pool used primarily for exercise or competitive swim training should skew lower, between 77 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. A good general rule for many pool owners is aiming for a water temperature between 77 degrees and the mid-80s. Keeping a constant temperature will help prevent bacteria and algae growth and improve the efforts of chlorine, saltwater, or other pool sanitation measures.


Every Factor is Important

Many pool owners and even pool service professionals habitually test for pH and chlorine, and occasionally they check the alkalinity. However, this approach ignores many critical LSI factors. Although they do not tend to change as rapidly, You should also regularly test calcium hardness, CYA, and TDS. By testing all six factors in your pool water, you will have a more clear and complete understanding of its LSI and water balance.


How Do I Balance My Pool Water Using LSI?

Balancing your pool water is essential for maintaining its clarity, safety, and longevity, especially for fiberglass pool owners. While pool water chemistry balance may seem complex, modern tools like the Orenda Technologies LSI Calculator have simplified the testing and adjustment process. This blog post will guide you through using Orenda’s app to achieve optimal water balance in your pool, ensuring it stays in beautiful condition without needing a degree in chemistry. We’ve included step-by-step instructions, complemented by screen-capture images, to make the process as straightforward as possible.

Editor’s Note: There are available alternatives to the Orenda app. Thursday Pools and Orenda have no relationship other than sharing a desire to help fiberglass pool owners properly maintain their water chemistry. If you want to get even more informed on water balance and related topics, check out Orenda’s library of educational videos, tutorials, and other resources. 

Step 1: Download the Orenda App

The journey to balanced pool water begins with a simple download of the Orenda app, available on both iOS and Android platforms. This app significantly simplifies pool chemistry, particularly focusing on the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI), making it an indispensable tool for pool owners.


Orenda App


Step 2: Input Your Pool Details

Once you have downloaded and opened the app, the first step is to input your pool’s specific details, such as the volume of your pool in gallons and the water temperature, which are critical for accurate calculations. The app’s user-friendly interface guides you through entering these initial details.


Step 3: Enter Current Water Chemistry Levels

The next step involves inputting the current levels of various water chemistry variables that influence your pool’s LSI.

These include: 

  • Water temperature
  • pH level
  • Calcium Hardness
  • Total Alkalinity
  • Cyanuric Acid stabilizer
  • Total Dissolved Solids

You’ll find a section on the left-hand side of the app dedicated to entering these values. Precise measurements at this stage are crucial for accurately assessing your pool’s water balance. 

Also, note that the app includes levels for Chlorine and Phosphates. While these values don’t affect the LSI, they are essential in maintaining a healthy and safe pool.


Step 4: Adjusting for Optimal LSI

After entering your pool’s details and current chemistry levels, the real magic begins. The app allows you to tweak and adjust the values on the right-hand side of the screen to see how changes can affect your pool’s LSI. 

The goal is to adjust these levels until you achieve a desired LSI value within the optimal range of -0.3 to +0.3. Note that for saltwater pools, we recommend a slightly tighter range of -0.2 to +0.2 to account for the unique chemistry of saltwater systems.

The app’s LSI indicator is highlighted in different colors depending on the status. 

  •   Over +0.30 is coded PURPLE, meaning your water can cause scaling on your equipment and gelcoat surface. 
  • -0.30 to +0.30 is coded GREEN to indicate the ideal LSI balance. 
  • -0.30 to -0.01 is YELLOW, meaning you’re close to balance but not quite there. 
  • < -0.30 is coded RED to alert you to corrosive water that can damage your pool equipment and gelcoat surface.

The ideal target is as close to zero as possible. This interactive feature allows you to experiment with different adjustments to understand how each factor may affect your pool’s overall balance.



Step 5: Calculate and Correct

After adjusting your inputs to reach the ideal LSI range, hitting the “Calculate” button creates a customized list of actions and products needed to balance your pool water. It tells you what needs to be adjusted and recommends specific chemicals and quantities to achieve the desired balance. This step eliminates guesswork, ensuring you use the right products in the right amounts.

Step 6: Implement Recommendations

With a tailored action plan, the final step is implementing the app’s recommendations. Whether adjusting the pH, adding calcium hardness increaser, or balancing total alkalinity, follow the guidelines to bring your pool water into harmony.

Why Use the Orenda App?

Simplifies Complex Calculations

The Orenda app demystifies the complexity of water chemistry, breaking it down into simple and manageable steps. This guidance ensures that pool owners can maintain their pool’s health without needing deep technical knowledge.

Saves Time and Money

By providing precise recommendations, the app helps pool owners avoid over- or under-treating their pool, saving money on chemicals and preventing potential damage to the pool’s surface or equipment.

Enhances Pool Enjoyment

Regularly using the Orenda app to balance your pool water means clearer, safer water and a more enjoyable swimming experience for you and your family. It also extends the lifespan of your pool by preventing damage and other issues related to imbalanced water.

Balancing your pool water using the LSI doesn’t have to be daunting. With the Orenda Technologies LSI Calculator, achieving and maintaining optimal water balance is easier and more intuitive than ever. By following the simple steps outlined above and taking advantage of the app’s smart recommendations, you can ensure your pool remains an enjoyable oasis for years to come.


What is LSI?

What is LSI?

When it comes to maintaining the sparkling allure of your fiberglass pool, understanding the nuances and importance of pool water chemistry is paramount. Among the various metrics and tests available, the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) is a critical yet often overlooked aspect of pool care. This post aims to demystify LSI and explain its importance in keeping your fiberglass pool in top condition for years to come.

What is the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI)?

Developed in the 1930s by Dr. Wilfred Langelier, the Langelier Saturation Index offers a precise, unbiased measure of your pool water’s balance. Ultimately, LSI assesses how saturated water is with calcium carbonate, a component crucial for maintaining the integrity and appearance of your pool. The index provides a clear, numeric value that reflects your water’s balance, with perfectly balanced, neutral water having a zero LSI value. 

Maintaining your pool water within a range of -0.3 to +0.3 on the scale is acceptable, as it prevents the water from damaging the fiberglass surface. For saltwater pools, a slightly tighter range of -0.2 to +0.2 is recommended to account for the unique chemistry of saltwater systems.

Why is LSI Important for Your Fiberglass Pool?

Understanding and managing the LSI of your pool water is critical for several reasons:

  • Preventing Scale Formation: If the LSI is too high, it indicates your water is overly saturated with calcium carbonate. This condition leads to scale formation, as the water attempts to return to a balanced state by depositing excess minerals onto your pool’s surfaces and equipment. Not only does this affect the aesthetic appeal of your pool, but it can also hinder the efficiency of your pool’s filtration system.


  • Avoiding Corrosion and Damage: On the flip side, a low Langelier Saturation Index value indicates corrosive water that can pose a significant threat to the integrity of your fiberglass pool. Corrosive water can lead to chalking, a form of damage where the fiberglass gel coat surface begins to deteriorate. This damage not only affects the pool’s appearance but can also compromise its surface integrity over time.


  • Holistic Water Balance Approach: While keeping individual chemical levels within recommended ranges is essential, focusing solely on ranges and levels doesn’t provide a complete picture of your pool’s health. The Langelier Saturation Index offers an unbiased, comprehensive, and holistic view of your pool’s chemistry and water balance. By maintaining a balanced LSI, you ensure the longevity and durability of your fiberglass pool, protecting your investment and ensuring it remains a source of joy and relaxation for years to come.

How to Balance Your Pool Water Using LSI

Balancing your pool water’s LSI involves monitoring and adjusting several factors, including pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, temperature, and total dissolved solids. Here are some tips to help you maintain an optimal LSI:


Regular Testing: Use reliable test kits to frequently check the key factors affecting LSI levels. This process will help you identify any imbalances early on so you can take corrective action.

Adjust Chemical Levels: Based on your test results, adjust the levels of pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness as needed to bring your pool water within the ideal LSI range.

Consider Pool Temperature: Remember that water temperature affects LSI, with warmer water tending to be more scale-forming. Adjust your maintenance routine seasonally to account for temperature changes.

Professional Consultation: If you’re unsure about adjusting your pool’s chemistry, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. A pool maintenance expert can provide tailored recommendations based on your pool’s specific conditions.


Check out this article for a step-by-step approach to using Orenda’s helpful LSI calculator app to balance your pool water.


The Langelier Saturation Index is more than just a number; it’s a comprehensive guide to maintaining the beauty and integrity of your fiberglass pool. By understanding and managing your pool’s LSI, you’re not just caring for the water. You’re preserving the entire pool experience, ensuring it remains a safe, enjoyable, and beautiful oasis for many years. As part of your broader fiberglass pool maintenance strategy, mastering LSI empowers you to take proactive steps towards pristine water quality and pool longevity.

What Can Damage a Fiberglass Pool?


It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of something new. Whether it’s a car, a boat, or an inground swimming pool, it’s only natural to want to do as much research as possible before signing on the dotted line. You’ll want to know how long it’ll last, right? If you’re currently considering an inground fiberglass pool and trying to cover all your bases, you may have searched for potential problems such as, “What can damage a fiberglass pool?” and “Can you scratch a fiberglass pool?” Perhaps you’ve also looked up fiberglass pool gelcoat problems and fiberglass pool bulging walls. This post covers a few common concerns you may have heard regarding fiberglass pools, how they happen, and if you can prevent them or repair them if they occur.

How Does Fiberglass Pool Chemistry relate to these issues?

A big part of the longevity of your fiberglass pool is the water chemistry. Water chemistry can be tricky for any pool owner, and it’s best left to the professionals that do pool maintenance for a living.However, as a fiberglass pool owner, it’s important to understand water chemistry guidelines so you can take the best preventative care possible of your pool shell. You might have heard someone ask, “why is my fiberglass pool turning white?” It is often because of an imbalance in the water chemistry. A fiberglass pool surface finish is very durable but it is not indestructible. Water balance is vital to ensuring protection for the surface finish of your fiberglass pool.

Remember that even when using a professional to manage your fiberglass pool’s water balance, you will want to take responsibility and know the parameters  of keeping your water balanced. Balanced pool water is neutral, meaning that the water is neither corrosive nor scaling. Bear with us – we’re going to get into a bit of science here.

 A commonly used measure for water balance is the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI). The LSI is a model developed to estimate the diversified state of water by W.F. Langelier, a professor at the University of California in Berkeley. Paraphrasing The Journal of Water Resource and Protection, Vol. 9, No. 2, February 6, 2017, the LSI can be used to control corrosive waters incorporating parameters including acidity, alkalinity, pH, and calcium ions. The proper LSI level is 0.

Calcium levels that are too high can lead to rising pH levels in the water, causing white deposits to appear on the pool’s surface. Often, the manufacturer of your pool shell provides you with an owner’s manual that gives water level recommendations, so we suggest following those. Keep in mind that our recommendations are specifically for fiberglass pool shells. Our owner’s manual recommends your calcium levels remain between 150 and 200 parts per million.

We recommend the chlorine residual in your pool, which is the chlorine leftover once disinfection and oxidation has occurred, should be maintained at one to three parts per million and never exceed five parts per million as this can damage the pool surface.

Per our recommendations, the pH level, which measures the acidity or basicity of water, should be maintained between 7.2 and 7.6.

The total alkalinity measures the amount of bicarbonate material in pool water and indicates the water’s capacity to withstand changes in pH. We recommend it be 80 to 120 parts per million.

Finally, cyanuric acid prevents the decomposition of free chlorine in the pool water. As a stabilizer for chlorine, we recommend your cyanuric acid levels  be at 20 to 50 parts per million. As levels rise above 100 parts per million, chlorine is not as effective at killing bacteria and algae. 

Thanks for sticking with the science there. It’s helpful to understand it to ensure the person maintaining your water balance is doing it correctly. You may also want to familiarize yourself with water test kits and educational booklets such as “Pool & Spa Water Chemistry” and “I Never Liked Chemistry.” 

Other surface issues, like spider cracks in fiberglass pools, are generally surface-level concerns and don’t impact the pool’s structure. These cracks can occur when a large amount of pressure is applied to an area or manufacturing processes render the gelcoat too thick. Scratches can occur on the surface, as well. However, gelcoat in fiberglass pools tends to be tough (but smooth) and resistant to scratches, whether they be from you or your dog’s paws, so hopefully you won’t run into this yourself. 

As previously mentioned, some issues can occur primarily due to improper manufacturing practices, such as osmotic blistering. These tiny bubbles appear on a pool’s surface when water molecules pass through the pool’s gelcoat and meet with the polyester resin layered inside. Though they don’t look very appealing, they also don’t impact the pool’s structure and are purely a cosmetic concern.

Can Issues With Fiberglass Pools Be Fixed or Prevented?

Discoloration/Residue: Regular water testing, proper water chemistry, and certain equipment add-ons can prevent discoloration and deposits on a fiberglass pool’s surface by suspending calcium and reducing the need for high levels of chlorine. Obtaining guidance from a professional is the best way to address these issues, but the homeowner can often perform the correction methods.

Spider Cracks: Fiberglass pool gelcoat repair methods are available to restore the gelcoat after cracking. Your independent pool builder or maintenance company will likely be able to point you in the right direction for who can provide these services.

Pool Wall Bulging: When it comes to fiberglass pool walls bulging: yes, it can happen. But generally, it is due to the pool’s structure or incorrect installation practices. When not properly installed or not durable enough in structure, a fiberglass pool’s walls can bulge due to groundwater pressure combined with the earth’s natural tendency to shift. The best way to prevent this issue is to make sure you go with a manufacturer that accounts for both flexibility and rigidity in their pools’ structures. Some innovations, like the Thursday Pools Geo-Anchoring Pool wall®, provide additional structural support by anchoring the pool to the earth to help prevent bulging or shifting if water must be lowered according to the TP owners manual.


We always applaud those who do their research before splashing into the world of fiberglass pools. We hope this has not only given you a better understanding of what can damage a fiberglass pool, but also made you feel more comfortable moving forward in the pool ownership process. 

If you’d like to get in touch with an independent dealer in your area, click here. Don’t feel quite prepared to take that next step? We encourage you to try out our pool cost calculator for ballpark estimates or our Idea Book for backyard inspiration.

Thursday Pools produces one-piece inground fiberglass swimming pools that come in various shapes and sizes. All Thursday Pools fiberglass pools meet strict ISO 9001 standards for quality construction and materials and ISO 14001 standards for environmental stewardship. Our pools are backed by two industry-leading warranties and are crafted with true passion and teamwork

Get a free estimate on a new fiberglass pool today. With Thursday Pools, your weekend starts early!



The Best Robotic Cleaners For Inground Fiberglass Pools

Every pool owner should have an excellent working knowledge of pool maintenance. It’s essential to stay on top of it from the time you open your pool in the spring through closing it for the winter. Robotic pool cleaners can be a great help when it comes to keeping dirt and debris out of your pool, saving you time. However, choosing from robotic pool cleaners can be overwhelming as hundreds of automatic pool cleaners are on the market, each with different benefits. Inground pools require a different type of robotic cleaner than above-ground pools, and some robotic pool cleaners will have features you may not need. So make sure you’re searching for the best automatic pool cleaner for your needs and specific pool type. This post will outline a few robotic pool cleaners for inground fiberglass pools. 

Hayward TigerShark  

The Hayward TigerShark can scour a 20 x 40-foot pool floor, walls, coves, and water line in just three hours. It’s available in three models: the standard TigerShark, the TigerShark Plus Robotic Cleaner with Remote Control, and the TigerShark QC with Quick Clean (featuring a patented 90-minute quick clean alternative.) It has an easy-to-clean cartridge filter system and a 24-volt motor designed to use less energy, saving you pool maintenance costs over time. 

Average Price: under $1100


  • Easy to clean cartridge
  • Lightweight
  • On-board pump for intense vacuum power
  • Pool Length: Up to 40 feet
  • 1 to 3-year warranty, based on the specific model you choose
  • Cordless
  • Programmable


Dolphin CC Nautilus Plus

With more than 25 years of technological and innovative leadership, Dolphin’s Nautilus CC Plus is an award-winning design. It weighs just under 21 pounds and comes with a 2.5-year warranty. The Nautilus CC Plus has a swivel system for tangle-free operation, and a smart navigation system enables the robotic pool cleaner to vacuum the floor, walls, and water lines of inground pools in two hours. Equipped with rubber tracks that grip the surface and walls of the pool, the cleaner gets to the small corners and areas of the pool, such as the edges of tanning ledges.


Schedule the Nautilus CC Plus to clean your swimming pool each week using three settings- every day, every other day, or every 3rd day. A fine filter traps the algae, dirt, bacteria, and biofilm, and a high RPM system provides a deeper clean. If you want to run your cleaner when you are away, the Nautilus CC Plus w/ Wi-Fi allows you to control the robot from anywhere at any time with the MyDolphin Plus app for just a little higher cost.


Average Price: under $900


  • Easy to clean cartridge
  • Lightweight
  • Pool Length: Up to 33 feet
  • Swivel cables for tangle-free operation
  • 2.5-year warranty
  • Programmable


Polaris F9450 Sport Robotic Pool Cleaner

The Polaris F9450 is a lightweight robotic cleaner that can clean your pool in under two hours. The “Aqua Trax” tires enable the Polaris to move freely over any surface–floors, steps, and walls. It has a navigation system that automatically controls the robot’s position, allowing cleaning coverage without hang-ups. The cleaner also uses the Vortex system, a pool vacuum system that filters out particles and quickly gathers large debris. With a 7-Day programmable timer, you can customize your settings and select the cleaning modes that work best for you.


Average Price: under $1,000


  • Easy to access filter canister
  • Lightweight and easy to remove from the pool–with the touch of a button, it surfaces and waits for you to grab it, then automatically evacuates water for effortless removal from the pool
  • Pool Length: Up to 55 feet
  • Time and energy efficient
  • 2-year warranty
  • Programmable

Aquabot® X4™ Robotic Pool Cleaner

The Aquabot X4 Robotic Pool Cleaner was awarded “Best Value Cleaner of 2022” and is ideal for all pool shapes (above ground and inground) up to 60 feet. It features 4WD non-marring high-grip wheels for superior traction on all surfaces, including tile. And the ultrafine mesh filter baskets capture dirt, debris, and fine particulate down to 2 microns in size. The Anti-Tangle Swivel prevents the rover from getting hung up. And you can use programmed settings for 1, 1.5, or 2-hour cleaning cycles, and timer settings to run it automatically every 48, 72, or 96 hours.


Average Price: Under $800


  • Easy to access filter
  • Lightweight
  • Pool Length: Up to 60 feet
  • Energy efficient
  • Three-year warranty
  • Programmable

Do Robotic Pool Cleaners Really Work? 

Yes! Pool cleaning is a challenging task most of us like to avoid. But an excellent robotic cleaner is a great solution that tackles dirt, debris, and water filtering in a simple three to five-hour process, making them incredible time savers. Robotic cleaners have a built-in filtration system so you can backwash less frequently. The manual process of brushing your pool is already a dull, time-consuming task, but with robotic pool cleaners, the process can be less labor-intensive

Which pool robot is best? 

It helps to remember that most pool robots cover standard cleaning maintenance, so no matter what product you choose, your pool will be cleaner without as much effort on your part. Consider the following while searching for the robotic pool cleaner:

  • Pool size: Some pools will require a product with a greater capacity for pool cleaning (like ones for large, rectangle fiberglass pool shells). 
  • Cordless or not: If you are considering one with a cable, check to see if the manufacturer claims that it is “tangle free.”
  • Run time: A pool robot cleans between two to six hours, so pick a product that suits your schedule. Or choose one that is programmable. 
  • Basket or bag filter
  • Does it climb the walls?
  • Will it scrub the waterline?

Proper pool maintenance is essential to keep your pool in great shape for the future, and many excellent pool maintenance tools are available to help you keep up with it. 

Regardless of what kind of robotic pool cleaner you buy for your inground fiberglass pool, the investment will pay off in saved pool maintenance time, giving you more time to do what you want to do-enjoy your pool.


Are Fiberglass Pools Easier to Maintain?


A swimming pool can be a great addition to your home and life. An inground pool can increase your property value and home enjoyment, keep you cool in the hot weather, and provide a gentler way to exercise and be healthier. That said, when considering a pool purchase, homeowners often want to know how much time and money they will need to invest. And among the most common questions is, “Are fiberglass pools easier to maintain?” The truth is that all pool types have their advantages and disadvantages, and all require regular maintenance

Fiberglass Pool Maintenance

Are Fiberglass Pools Easy to Maintain?

While they’re not maintenance-free, fiberglass pools are generally considered to be lower maintenance as far as inground pools go. Because fiberglass pools come in one piece, there are no seams where dirt and algae can collect. Their smooth surface is not porous, so it’s not likely to promote the growth of algae and bacteria. Other pool types may require resurfacing or liner replacements over time, whereas fiberglass can last a long time with regular upkeep. 

What Maintenance Does a Fiberglass Pool Need?

Fiberglass pools are relatively easy and inexpensive to keep in good shape. Fiberglass pools generally do not need to be fully resurfaced after so many years. With some basic maintenance, your fiberglass pool’s gel coat can last for a long time. 

Maintenance for fiberglass pools consists of three basic components: the filtration system, the pool’s water chemistry, and some basic manual cleaning tools.

Filtration – Your pool’s filtration system likely consists of a filter, skimmer basket, and strainer pot. You’ll need to empty and clean all of these at regular intervals.

Pool Water Chemistry – One of the most important regular maintenance tasks is to check your pool’s chemicals. Balanced water chemistry is important for avoiding corrosion, scaling, and staining, and for extending the life of your pool. Test strips are the least accurate way to test your water. A Taylor test kit is preferred or use a digital testing device to check your pool’s levels every so often. We recommend referring to your pool’s owner’s manual for water chemistry levels best suited for your fiberglass pool shell.

Cleaning Tools – As with any swimming pool, some basic cleaning tasks can keep your fiberglass pool free from dirt and debris. Skim, brush and vacuum the pool regularly to keep it clean. Use a skimmer net to catch leaves, grass, and other debris that land in your pool. Use a pool brush to gently clean any dirt that may collect on the bottom or sides of your pool. Be sure not to use any abrasive tools as they can damage the gel coat surface.


Pros and Cons of Fiberglass Pools

Fiberglass pools are among the most popular options available today, and for good reason. There are many benefits of fiberglass swimming pools. However, they’re not necessarily the right choice for everyone. Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of fiberglass pools and their alternatives.

Advantages of Fiberglass Pools

Durability – One of the top reasons people choose fiberglass is durability. Fiberglass is strong and flexible, making it especially resistant to damage. Fiberglass is so sturdy that it can withstand the elements for quite some time without resurfacing if properly maintained.

Maintenance – Fiberglass swimming pools are lower maintenance compared to other types of pools. This means lower maintenance costs and more time enjoying your pool.

Built-in Features – Depending on the design, fiberglass pool shells come with built-in features such as tanning ledges, swim-outs, wrap-around benches, and more, whereas these features are often extras with other pool types. 

Smooth Surface – Fiberglass pools have a non-skid, smooth surface which is not only attractive and comfortable to the touch, but also doesn’t promote algae growth.

Quicker Installation – Because fiberglass pools are prefabricated, they can often be installed more quickly and easily than other inground pool options.

Disadvantages of Fiberglass Pools

Cost – Fiberglass pools are an investment. They’re typically not the cheapest option but can save you money on maintenance costs in the long run.

Limited Design Options – While you’ll have plenty of sizes and shapes to choose from, fiberglass pools can’t be customized because they are built from prefabricated molds.

Potential Installation Issues – When installing a fiberglass pool, you want to make sure you hire a professional company experienced with fiberglass swimming pools. If your pool isn’t installed and backfilled correctly, it can lead to damages and expensive repairs in the future.


beautiful fiberglass poolHow Long Do Fiberglass Pools Last?

While fiberglass pools can involve more upfront costs to install, they also tend to last a very long time. With proper care and upkeep, a fiberglass pool can last many, many years.

How Long Does a Fiberglass Pool Gel Coat Last?

A fiberglass pool gel coat can last a long time without needing to be replaced. However, it’s worth noting that not all pools and gel coats are created equal. If your pool was improperly installed, or finished with an inferior gel coating, or not maintained per the manufacturers requirements it may deteriorate more quickly.


A Final Word

All pools require proper maintenance to maintain their original appearance. It is generally accepted that fiberglass pools require less maintenance time and expense than other pool types. If you are considering a fiberglass pool, check out some designs to see if the fiberglass lifestyle is for you.

Do You Need to Brush a Fiberglass Pool?

Fiberglass pools are incredibly popular for good reasons. They are durable and elegant and can make a beautiful backdrop for many memorable moments in your life. But, like most luxury items worth having, they need maintenance to stay that way. Upkeep for your fiberglass pool includes water and surface cleaning. With reference to surface cleaning, homeowners commonly ask, “do you need to brush a fiberglass pool?” This post covers common questions about using a brush to clean your fiberglass pool surface.

The Maintenance Rundown

Like any pool, fiberglass pools have several essential maintenance tasks that need to be performed on a regular basis in order to keep them clean, safe, and functioning properly. The good news is that thanks to the way they’re made, fiberglass pools can be easier to take care of than other inground pool types. Like said other pool types, they will require brushing, but the brushing is generally light work.  

Why Do You Brush a Fiberglass Pool?

While fiberglass pools are algae-resistant, dirt and debris may be a daily occurrence when your pool is surrounded by vegetation. Left alone, unwanted debris (especially if it contains metal) in your pool can result in staining, so it’s essential to attend to those items immediately. Additionally, after adding chemicals to your pool, brushing helps the chemicals dissolve.

How Often Should You Brush a Fiberglass Pool?

The frequency with which you’ll need to clean your pool’s surface will depend on how much dirt and debris get in your pool, whether you use the pool on a daily basis, and whether you have a pool cover. If you don’t see dirt and debris, you should still give it a ten-minute brushing once or twice per week to prevent any chemical buildup.

What Kind of Brush Do You Use for a Fiberglass Pool?

As opposed to the hard scrubbing you would give to a pool with a porous surface, fiberglass pools require a gentler touch to avoid scratching the gelcoat. The only type of brush you should use is one with poly or nylon bristles. You should also consider your pool’s shape when choosing a brush for a fiberglass pool. If your pool is rectangular, choose a flat, rectangular brush to get into the corners. If your pool is freeform, choose a brush with a curved head.

How Do You Brush a Fiberglass Pool?

Push the brush over the entire pool surface, including the walls and floor, working your way down and over to the main drain. Sweeping toward the main drain will allow as much debris as possible to enter the filter. Depending on the amount of dirt and debris, you may want to backwash (or clean) your filter.

Do You Brush a Pool Before Vacuuming?  

Yes, but don’t brush your fiberglass pool directly before vacuuming. Brushing the pool kicks up the dirt that was stuck to the surface, causing it to float in the water. You want to wait to vacuum until after the particles have either gone through the filter or settled to the bottom. 

Summing It Up

You do need to brush your fiberglass pool as part of your fiberglass pool maintenance routine. Brushing is one of the most important ways you can keep your fiberglass pool’s surface beautiful, and it isn’t very time consuming. Protect your investment and a future of memories by properly maintaining your fiberglass pool.